Cancer Research Nottingham

Cancer Research Nottingham

The University of Nottingham, in partnership with the NHS (Queens Medical Centre, Nottingham City Hospital and the Royal Derby Hospital), is committed to promoting research into the detection, causes and treatment of cancer. 

Our scientists, clinicians and healthcare professionals work together on a broad range of research themes, aiming to enhance our understanding of cancer biology and ensure translation of our findings into new, safer treatments and improved patient care.

Study with us

We offer undergraduate and postraduate opportunities to study cancer. Vist our study with us page to find out more.



Contact us

  • Tel: +44 (0)115 82 31135
  • For website queries, contact 





Workshop: At the intersection of cancer and viruses

Professor Janet Daly and Dr Alex Tarr will be hosting a series of talks and discussion into the fascinating intersection of cancer and viruses.

2nd March 2023 14:00-16:30 BDI3 A208/209

Coming Soon

2023 Cancer Research Nottingham (CRN) Symposium

Summer 2023


Seminar: Patient and public engagement and involvement in research

Dr Adele Horobin - Senior Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement Manager, School of Medicine

29th March 2023 14:00 - 15:00 Online (Teams)

Seminar: Necrophagy, dendritic cells and immunity in cancer

Professor Caetano Reis e Sousa from the Francis Crick Institute

10th May 2023.

3:30pm Coates Rd Auditorium